
Man lernt nie aus. Neben den grundlegenden Fähigkeiten als Instructor bieten Fortbildungen eine Möglichkeit, seine Potentiale zu nutzen. Für Kunden ist nicht nur der Preis entscheidedend. Kompakte 1-Tages-Workshops für ausgebildete Traineer. Inhouse-Schulungen möglich
Vielfältige Themen: Kundenbindung, Spotting und Hilfestellung, Gestaltung von Events u.v.m.
Entscheidend für den Unternehmenserfolg sind auch die "Soft Skills": Auftreten, Rhetorik, Körpersprache, Diplomatie und Souveränität, Mitarbeiterführung und Teammanagement, Umgang mit Medienvertretern und vieles mehr.

Sporting education

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Compact, target group oriented, competent, sound.
All sports training courses deal with relevant topics in compact daily sessions for trainers:
  • Warm-up and cool-down varied
  • Upgrades and downgrades of tricks, spins and figures at the Pole and Hoop
  • Additional training for Poledance and Aerial Hoop
  • Meaningful stretching for recreational athletes
  • Working with the Sling Trainer


Get an offer
New in the field of entrepreneurs?
Just opened the studio or you are close to it? Thousands of questions whirl around in your head and you want to get answers compact and reliable? Then you are right here!
  • Customer psychology and the entrance area of a studio
  • Pension insurance obligation for independent trainers
  • 19%, 7% or no VAT at all?
  • Unternehmnerhaftpflicht?
  • Accident insurance?
  • Liability issues in general
  • Documents and retention periods
We address all these issues in our compact seminars. (4 hours, 235,00 € plus VAT - invoice tax deductible).
Dates can be found here, or can be arranged individually

Management issues

Get an offer
For studio owners and studio owners, the following topics are particularly important
  • Preserve work-life balance
  • Meaningful marketing in social networks
  • USP and positioning
  • Dealing with special participants
  • Style and corporate identity
Management seminars for studio owners. They have come to stay. We show you how!
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